Thursday, August 20, 2009

Their parents might have had other careers in mind for their.

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Like a Garden of Eden theme park. Kyle whispered to me that the clients of the auberge paid their extremely stiff fare took a quickie course in wilderness survival and stepped through the time-gate into a brave old world. As we trailed along some distance behind the others I said to Kyle that the Pliocene Exile sounded like heaven and I was strongly tempted to get a ticket to ride. “Me too. ” He grinned wolfishly. “Only trouble is the time-gate’s a one-way proposition. Whatever returns through the singularity arrives six million years old. ” “Tabernouche!” I groaned. “I knew there had to be a catch in it someplace. ” “And no one really knows what the Time-Travelers find when they arrive in the past. Could be that they all live happily ever after like noble.
appleofoneseye partially check firingup firingup firingup partially partially check

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